Category Archives: Silverlight 2

Silverlight UI Rant #1 – DataGrid Last Column Fill

If you’ve used the the Silverlight 2 DataGrid, you’ve no doubt seen this: I really hate when this happens!  I’ve seen several forum discussions where folks were looking to get rid of this nastiness, so I know I’m not the … Continue reading

Posted in Silverlight, Silverlight 2, UI and Usability, UI Rant | Comments Off

HtmlPage.PopupWindow vs. HtmlWindow.Navigate

I was recently looking at various ways of launching an external window from inside a Silverlight 2 application.  Dusting off your javascript brain cell, you’ll recall that to open a popup dialog in "the old days", we’d use  I … Continue reading

Posted in Silverlight, Silverlight 2 | Comments Off

Yngwie Malmsteen syndrome (Silverlight 2 Scroller revisited)

Earlier this month, I blogged about a Silverlight 2 Scroller control that I had labored over for the better part of a weekend.  The entire time I was working on this Scroller, I had this small, dirty feeling that what … Continue reading

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Silverlight System.ExecutionEngineException

Just a quick note that will hopefully save someone the pain that I just went through chasing yet another exception in Silverlight with nothing to go on from Visual Studio. (I really hope that there is some better feedback coming … Continue reading

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Silverlight 2 Scroller

Last week I had opportunity to really dive into some fun with a Silverlight 2 ListBox. It all started with a requirement for a simple Scroller control.  You know, the simple left-to-right scrollers that you see in many applications?  I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Silverlight, Silverlight 2 | Comments Off

Initializing the FROM value of a Silverlight 2 Animation

Recently, I was attempting to create my own popup dialog. I had specific requirements in mind for this dialog, including: I wanted to animate the Width/Height from 0×0 to the ActualWidth/ActualHeight I wanted to animate the Opacity from 0 to … Continue reading

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